
The story of the nickname behind "The O-Cuff" and the Cuff behind the story

Kristen Baird

Here’s a story of a lovely lady (admit it, you’re singing it too!) that wore a piece of jewelry, which later on earned its very own little nickname.

I'll start with this...right before I left for France, I received a text message from a source at my alma mater, SCAD, that said a special guest was going to be gifted one of my Splash Cuffs, from President Wallace, during commencement. I didn't think much of it until I received another text saying that Oprah was the recipient.

That's right! THE Oprah Winfrey! Whaaaaat??? Seriously, someone pinch me! I wasn't exactly sure how to feel at that moment, except I was 100% trying to not completely lose it in the best of ways.

The next morning, I searched the internet and sure enough, there are photos and a video of the graduation showing Oprah wearing the mentioned piece on her wrist, stacked with her Apple Watch.

Oprah Winfrey at SCAD Graduation wearing a Kristen Baird Splash Cuff

Shown above: Oprah Winfrey speaking at the SCAD graduation Saturday, June 2, 2018 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Photography Courtesy of SCAD. Photo: Colin Douglas Gray.

How can such news get even bigger, you ask? Well, imagine my surprise, when a few days later, I was working in the studio with CBS this Morning in the background, when I heard Oprah's voice. I looked up and saw her on TV, wearing my bracelet, AGAIN! (See the actual video below).

I about died! Well, not really, but you know what I mean. It was one thing to have Oprah wear it once, but to see it again several days later, well that's just a dream. 

 Oprah Winfrey wearing a Kristen Baird® Cuff

I couldn't be more grateful to President Wallace of SCAD for choosing my piece to be gifted and of course, to the one and only Oprah, for loving the piece and rocking it!

From that moment on and ‘till this day, every time the Splash Cuff  became a topic of any conversation, everyone started referring to it as “The O-Cuff”. We even have a mini version of this cuff that we sometimes refer to as "The Mini-O Cuff". But hey, I'm not complaining!

The Oprah Cuff Collage by Kristen Baird®

 Shown above are variations of the Splash Cuff (aka The O-Cuff).  


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